From the inner leaf skin. People use aloe vera gel and juice for topical and oral health remedies. You can grow aloe as a houseplant and make juice by breaking off leaves and scooping out the gel, then juicing the gel in a blender. Aloe vera juice also is available commercially. Side effects are uncommon.
Laxative Effects
The inner leaf of aloe vera has laxative effects, as explained by the U.S. National Institutes of Health, or NIH. Consuming large amounts of whole leaf aloe vera juice rather than juice made only from the gel can cause painful abdominal cramping, loose stools and diarrhea. Using this type of juice longer than a week can lead to laxative dependency, and to constipation after discontinuing the juice. People experiencing diarrhea from drinking aloe vera juice that contains aloe latex may develop dehydration and electrolyte imbalances,